Empower Women to Thrive

Women's Leader Archetypes Accreditation

Elevate Your Coaching Practice

Create a Legacy of Transformation


Next WLA Accreditation Program starts 7 October 2024









Want to Join a Movement That's Redefining Women's Success?

Make Change Happen

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What Makes Diagnostic Accreditation So Transformative?

Let's dive into it.

Firstly, credibility is everything. Working with established and verified tools lends authority to your practice. It tells your clients, "I'm committed to using proven, high-quality resources in my work." Diagnostic accreditation with the Women's Leader Archetypes Assessment can offer you just that – an association with a recognised and trusted brand that elevates your professional credibility.

Secondly, it's a universal truth: clients love learning about themselves. There's a certain thrill in uncovering our traits, strengths, and potential growth areas. Our Archetypes Assessment acts as a mirror, helping your clients see themselves more clearly. It's engaging, insightful, and often leads to those wonderful 'a-ha!' moments that propel transformative personal growth.

Lastly, leaders are always looking to uplevel. They seek ways to amplify their strengths, identify areas for growth, and become more effective in their roles - whether at work, in the community, or in life. As a coach or facilitator, your role is to guide them on this journey. The Women's Leader Archetypes Assessment isn't just a tool - it's a comprehensive methodology that speeds up the process.

In essence, diagnostic accreditation allows you to offer your clients a fast-track to personal growth and professional development. It's like handing them a map to their potential and saying, "Here, let's explore this together."

Sounds compelling, doesn't it?

Client Praise

Jacqui Jones
Jacqui Jones Coaching Collective

"I have recently become a Women’s Leader Archetypes accredited practitioner, This is hands down one of the best programs I have ever been involved in.  With Ros as my mentor, I have learned so much about leadership, neuroscience, the archetypes, coaching, and how to pull it all together into a program in my own business to guide other women into realising their true potential.  I would highly recommend this program to existing coaches, facilitators, or leaders.  The support and guidance from Ros has been invaluable and I really can’t wait to share this diagnostic with my own clients."

Jennifer Wittwer
International Consultant, UN Women

"Ros' Women Leader's Archetypes are amazing. The intuitive assessment really helps to identify those attributes that enable us to succeed and be our best. I found the archetypes descriptions a creative and interesting approach to defining leadership types, especially for women looking to define themselves as unique. I am equal parts Sovereign and Warrior, and while there were some similarities, both types applied in equal measures to my personality, the way I approach my work, and how I define success. This process has caused me to think about how I promote myself, my talents and my unique offer"

Fiona Marshall
Carers Coach, Mentor & Peer Facilitator

"As soon as I read the information on the Women’s Leader Archetypes Pilot Accreditation program I knew I wanted to be involved.  Especially when it honed in on the women’s salons – the idea of running retreats and workshops really sparked something in me as that’s something really meaningful and purposeful that I’ve wanted to do.  The fact that it’s an accredited program that I could interconnect with the work I already do in life coaching made me jump in.

I now have the confidence to go into workshops and retreats and hold circles for women knowing that I’m using the skills I’ve learnt from a program that is accredited and has been tried and tested by many women.  It’s helping me blend everything I do and using all of those modalities together.

I’ve really enjoyed learning about all of the archetypes and understanding the shadows – the space we go to when we aren’t feeling empowered.  I enjoyed doing my own archetype assessment and understanding more about myself."

What you will

Find inside

Inside the Women's Leader Archetypes Accreditation Program, you will embark on a transformative journey designed to empower women through insightful coaching techniques. Alongside an in-depth exploration of the Sovereign, Warrior, Wise Woman, and Tribe Builder archetypes, you will get ready-to-use coaching programs and retreat plans, allowing you to get started immediately. From understanding the intricacies of each archetype to implementing them into personalised coaching practices, you'll have all the resources at your fingertips to build a thriving practice. With expert guidance, hands-on training, and done-for-you solutions, this accreditation is more than just a learning opportunity; it's your gateway to becoming a change-maker in women's leadership.

3 Key



 Becoming accredited in the Women's Leader Archetypes elevates your professional standing by aligning you with a respected and well-established methodology. Clients and colleagues recognise the value of working with a coach who has invested in their skills through an esteemed accreditation process. This endorsement enhances your reputation and sets you apart in the competitive coaching landscape. As a WLA Accredited Practitioner, you will be listed on our website, with your location, specialties, and contact details.

Immediate Implementation

With access to done-for-you programs and retreat plans, you can hit the ground running as soon as you complete the accreditation. Tailored to the unique attributes of the Sovereign, Warrior, Wise Woman, and Tribe Builder archetypes, these ready-to-use resources empower you to start coaching right away. This immediate applicability ensures a smooth transition from learning to practice, giving you a head start in making a difference.


Becoming accredited in the Women's Leader Archetypes isn't just about acquiring new skills; it's about joining a vibrant and supportive community of like-minded coaches and facilitators. You'll gain ongoing access to a network of professionals dedicated to empowering women, fostering collaboration, sharing insights, and celebrating successes. This community connection offers continuous learning, encouragement, and inspiration, ensuring that you're never alone on your journey to make a difference in women's lives.


What you will

Find Inside

MODULE ONE - The Women's Leader Archetypes

Dive into the multifaceted world of women's leadership with an engaging blend of art and science. In this module, you'll explore the Empowered Archetypes—Sovereign, Warrior, Wise Woman, Tribe Builder—and their corresponding Shadow Archetypes. Through an in-depth examination, you'll learn how to navigate these complex facets of female leadership, recognising both the strengths and potential pitfalls. You'll also gain hands-on experience in debriefing the Assessment Report, a vital tool to unlock understanding and guide development. This foundational module sets the stage for your journey into empowering women to embrace their true leadership potential.

MODULE TWO - The Science of the Archetypes

Embark on an intellectual adventure into the Science of the Archetypes in this thought-provoking module. Delve into the extensive Research and Development process that has shaped these transformative tools, including comprehensive Benchmarking Data derived from over 10,000 women who have completed the assessment. You'll gain invaluable insights into the unique characteristics that define the Archetypes. The exploration continues as you investigate the Neuroscience of the Archetypes, uncovering how these insights align with the brain's function and behaviour. This module provides a rigorous and enlightening understanding, grounding your coaching practice in scientific validity and nuanced comprehension.

MODULE THREE - Programs and Retreats

Step into the realm of practical application, focusing on the key programs and retreats that align with the Archetypes. This hands-on module equips you with everything you need to run six transformative experiences, including the flagship program Sovereign Women® Salon, the empowering Confidence for Women Masterclass, and four unique Archetype Activation Programs tailored to the Sovereign, Warrior, Wise Woman, and Tribe Builder. You'll receive comprehensive resources such as slides, facilitator guides, and notes, ensuring a seamless and confident delivery. Whether you're facilitating a retreat, masterclass, or program, this module provides the essential tools and understanding to make each experience resonant and impactful. It's your complete guide to bringing the Women's Leader Archetypes to life in a tangible, transformative way.

MODULE FOUR - Logistics and Licencing

Navigate the essential practicalities in Module 4. This crucial module covers the logistics and licensing process, guiding you through ordering assessments, workbooks, and collateral, and ensuring that you fully understand the licensing agreement that empowers you to leverage the Women's Leader Archetypes. You'll also explore the opportunity to become an Ambassador for the program, aligning your passion for women's empowerment with a rewarding affiliate relationship. From the concrete details of materials management to the exciting possibilities of ambassadorship, this module lays out a clear and manageable pathway.  By mastering these logistics and licensing essentials, you'll be fully prepared to operate with confidence and integrity in the world of women's leadership coaching.

THE FINAL ASSESSMENT - Proving Mastery and Understanding

Concluding your journey through the Women's Leader Archetypes Accreditation Program is the final assessment, an evaluation of your grasp of the model, theories, and practice. This assessment task is designed to test your full comprehension and application of what you've learned. It's a moment to showcase your understanding of the art and science behind the Archetypes and the logistical considerations that underpin a successful coaching practice. By successfully completing this assessment, you'll demonstrate not just theoretical knowledge, but the tangible skills and insights needed to empower women through your coaching. It's the ultimate testament to your readiness to take the next step in your coaching career, affirming your mastery of the Women's Leader Archetypes. On successful completion of this assessment, you will join a cohort of your peers as a WLA Accredited Practitioner!


Imagine having a personal sounding board, mentor, and strategist rolled into one—that's what our weekly group coaching calls offer you. Led by me, Ros, these calls are your golden ticket to unfiltered advice, real-time solutions, and a community of peers who are on the same journey. Whether you've got burning questions or just need a little encouragement, I'm here for you. Can't make it to a live session? No worries! Every call is recorded so you won't miss a beat. Consider it your weekly dose of inspiration and empowerment, delivered straight from the expert!

COMMUNITY - Your Virtual Tribe for Lasting Connections

Get ready to meet your new favorite online hangout—the Sovereign Women® Community. Imagine a space that's buzzing with the energy of like-minded coaches and aspiring coaches, all eager to make a difference in the lives of women leaders. Well, it's real, and it's right here for you during and after your accreditation. Think of it as your go-to platform for ongoing connection, collaboration, and celebration with your peers. Share your wins, seek advice, or offer your own pearls of wisdom—it's a continuously renewing resource designed to support you long after your accreditation is complete. Come for the connections, stay for the empowerment!

What Clients Say

Ros Cardinal’s Women’s Leadership Archetypes uncovers the secrets of what it takes to be a strong leader without losing your feminine authentic core. I see her work as the perfect tool for rebalancing current leadership issues, from ego-system male dominating practices towards more collaborative eco-system practices where everyone contributes in a powerful positive way, which benefits the collective. Ros is the embodiment of wisdom and fearless feminine leadership! In her quest for changing the current women leadership narrative, she goes deep into the heart of what it takes to be a powerful feminine leader. When women are strong they are often classified as bossy and come across as unpleasant. Ros has found a way to shift this perception, by showing women how to stand in their own authentic light, without having to be someone else. - Maria Marc 

The archetype model and assessment were very helpful in identifying my strengths. I like that it provides an explanation of each archetype's qualities and how those qualities present themselves. Overall, I found it to be an effective tool for gaining a better understanding of what qualities I want to develop so I can be a more effective leader and business owner.- Jess Rosen 

I loved Rosalind's Women's Leadership Archetypes Quiz. I think the results were spot on! I also enjoyed the information on Shadow Archetypes, and could definitely identify some of my weaker moments in them! I'm looking forward to learning even more! - Sandra Corso


Hello. I'm Ros Cardinal

Nice to meet you

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a vet or a scientist, but my fascination with human behaviour and neuroscience led me to a career in organisational development.

After more than 20 years in corporate human resources and organisational development roles, a successful battle with cancer gave me the nudge to take my passion for transforming leaders and improving how individuals and organisations cope with change in a new direction.

Leaving my senior corporate role in 2012, I established my successful consulting business, Shaping Change.

My expertise spans strategic planning, leadership development, organisational culture, change management, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement.  I am also an executive and leadership coach, with current coaching clients at executive and senior levels in Government agencies, private enterprise, and the community sector.

In 2016, I felt compelled to look deeply at the differences in the leadership styles of men and women. The result was the Women’s Leadership Archetypes model, now being used worldwide by women to discover how they can better leverage their natural strengths to lead with purpose, authenticity, and integrity. In 2022 I travelled to Washington DC to receive a World of Difference Award from The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) for this work.

I am a writer and the author of The Resilient Employee. In addition, I contribute regular articles to Leaders in Heels, The Huffington Post and People Development magazine.

I'm Australian, based in Tasmania (the little island state), where I live with my husband and an indian ringneck parrot called Merry. I am a proud grandma of twin boys.

6 week course

The next cohort starts October 7th

Pay In Full


*Prices in $US

  • WLA Accreditation Program
  • Access to the Community
  • Group coaching calls
  • Accreditation assessment
  • Done-for-you programs 
  • Bonus trainings
  • Bonus resources

2 month Plan


x 2 monthly payments *$US

  • WLA Accreditation Program
  • Access to the Community
  • Group coaching calls
  • Accreditation assessment
  • Done-for-you programs 
  • Bonus trainings
  • Bonus resources

3 month Plan


x 3 monthly payments *$US

  • WLA Accreditation Program
  • Access to the Community
  • Group coaching calls
  • Accreditation assessment
  • Done-for-you programs 
  • Bonus trainings
  • Bonus resources
OR Book A Discovery Call Here